
I don't know what came over me a couple weeks ago. The compulsion to throw on some Nickelback and dedicate hours and hours to endlessly soaking in Canadian rock and roll got the better of me. Did you know how horny these guys are? Wow.

I remember a blog from years ago that I can't find anymore (it existed I swear!) where a guy was listening to Nickelback every day (every week?) in chronological order to determine if they deserved the shit they got. Consider this a passing-of-the-torch of sorts.

If you too frequented the Ultimate Guitar forums and know this guy's blog, please send it my way.

Their first album left a lot to be desired, but doesn't every band's first album? Aside from, like, Weezer, I guess. But all our bands had albums just like this. It's inoffensive and unremarkable 90s rock. Moving on.

They followed it up with The State, another album I can barely remember and won't be commenting on. You can take how little I remember it as your comment.

It's 2001's Silver Side Up where things really get good. This is the debut of "How You Remind Me" for christ's sake. We all know that song! You know what else? If you - like me - are an absolute sucker for guitars in Drop D, almost every album after this (more on that later) will give you something to like. I promise. "How You Remind Me" is a hit single for good reason, but there are other tracks to look out for. "Just For" is one of those.

At this point, I was antsy for more heavy riffs, and The Long Road delivers. It comes out the gate with a chunky run of drums and guitars awash in distortion we all wished we could attain as a teenager. The chugging rhythms don't stop there though. "Because of You" is a standout halfway through the album, and the hit single "Someday" was on this tracklist. Come on, it's "Someday" and you know you like it.

If you thought things couldn't keep getting better, then you need to listen to All the Right Reasons released in 2005, featuring the hit single (they have a lot of those!) "Photograph." But don't listen to "Photograph"; instead, listen to "Follow You Home." Here's an AOL live session of it (you remember those?).

You can't listen to that and tell me the drum intro isn't sick as hell. These guys have chops. Oh, and listen to "Animals" if you doubted just how horny Chad is (the song rules though).

Dark Horse was their next album and I sadly can't recall too much of this album as I look over the track list again. I know it wasn't an absolute dumpster fire, because that's coming up.

Here and Now had the lead single "This Means War" and I know I felt a little embarrassed to like this song in high school. But now? As an adult? No more feeling bad for myself. I was sliding up and down the kitchen to this album the other night. It rules and I won't stand for otherwise. Nickelback is fine!

You know that stinker of an album I mentioned? It's No Fixed Address. If you make it this far and aren't sure you can take anymore, this album certainly won't help. Skip it.

The boys return hard with Feed the Machine though! I could do without some of the slower ballads on here, but overall it's an acceptable return to form. The delays on the guitars in the title track are sick.

I saw the album art for "Get Rollin'" and was scared for my life that I'd get a classic yacht rock album and you can't fault me for that. What the hell is that artwork? Anyway, it's not that. It's got riffs! It's still pretty corny, but it's not the color yellow, which is what the cover would lead you to believe. This album doesn't feel yellow at all.

Moral of the story: go ahead and listen to all of Nickelback's discography like me. You'll be fine. But if you only had to pick a few albums:

  1. All the Right Reasons
  2. The Long Road
  3. Here and Now
  4. Silver Side Up

Have fun!